Join the Free Beta

Free Beta trial accounts are now available to GitHub, GitLab and Google users who want to participate in beta testing. The length of the beta trial is currently open ended. You will get a minimum of 60 days notice when the beta trial is coming to an end and new account types will become available.

Beta accounts include the following checks:

Daily Checks Unique Checks
🔒 SSL Expiration 25
🌐 Domain Expiration 5
5 Minute Checks Unique Checks
⏱️ Ping 5

This means that with a Beta account you can monitor the expiration of 25 different SSL certificates. Each of these checks will run once per day.

You will also be able to ping up to 5 different IPs or hosts and monitor up to 5 different URLs for uptime. Each of these checks will run approximately every five minutes or about 288 times per day.

All of the checks can be re-run on demand.

Hopefully you find PrettyGoodPing to be a valuable addition to your toolkit. Please send an email to [email protected] with any questions or feedback you may have.

To get started, sign in with the provider of your choice:

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